


Most of us are not lucky enough to be born with silver spoon in our mouth. Because of it most of us who are in this condition feel inferior in the world, a world that projects a standard of successful living. 

Photo above is from the net

If you do not have this or if you are not like this you have this little chance of success. That’s how the world dictates but for us unlucky ones (including the rich ones), we are lucky or much luckier than others because we can learn wisdom through our limited-ness. 


In photography, who says you can’t make great photographs if you are only using a point and shoot camera? 

I took this photo in 2010 using a Nikon Coolpix A100. 

Who says you can only and only get great images if you use a very expensive DSLR? Photography is an art; it is about You, not the camera; it’s about how you see and capture that amazing moment, not the camera.

Photo above is from my Facebook wall

In photography (and in life), what limits us is our best weapon for success. We become more creative, innovative, productive, and more appreciative of life. 

Photos above are from boredpanda. A Filipino named Elmer Padilla uses used flip-flops or tsinelas for his action figures.

I found out as I journeyed this art that there are three things that limit photography enthusiasts in improving, gears, the condition you are in, and yourself. These three can be really frustrating and sometimes leads you to lose interest in this art. 

Gears, we all know that cameras and its accessories are expensive. Photography is an expensive hobby as they say, but do not quit photography if you do not have an expensive gear. Don’t stress yourself about buying a DSLR or GoPro cam instead focus more on what you have now. There are so many things you can do with your smartphone or with your little point and shoot camera that people fail to discover. Make the best out of it. A friend loves videography using his smartphone but he couldn’t afford to buy dolly, stabilizers, rig, or grip so he made one. 

Photo courtesy of Paul with his DIY Smartphone Grip and Rig

Conditions may set limits to your passion. Shooting at night hinders you to take better images. Shooting with the built-in flash doesn’t make your photos look impressive. If you will not use your flash, your camera must be set to a longer shutter speed but it can blur your image. Adapt the situation you are in and improvise. 

Yourself, this is the greatest reason why people can never achieve success. Quitters don’t have space for success. So keep your heads up and move your feet forward. Your passion for the art of photography doesn’t end if you only have a point and shoot camera or a cheap smartphone for your photography. It will only end if you yourself end it. 

Make use of your limited-ness to improve your photography skills. Limitations can be the best way to learn new skills and techniques in photography. Plus the satisfaction you’ll get is beyond magic because it is you, having all the limitations and restrictions, you discover and learn new things on your own and produce your own masterpiece.

"Fire it up"

Same in Life, we are limited, some are better than us, but life doesn’t end there. No one can put you down because you are limited. Make use of your limitation, adapt and improvise.


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