


WHY you edit your photos is NOT the question, HOW you edit your photos is the Question!

Whazzup everybody! I don't wanna say this but I've seen a lot of pictures today uploaded on the net doesn't look like their own original photo. Before reacting, just keep on reading cause am gonna try my self to explain this as easy as possible. This post is not only about you out there but also for ME. because I am also struggling in the world of photography, especially in the Post Process phase.

Editing your pictures is not a question. It's part of your repertoire as an artist, as a photographer. HOW you edit your photos is the question.m It matters. Editing your picture results in two (2) possibilities: It becomes more beautiful or it completely ruins your picture

I don't want to say this, but this is so true, most of us, including me, ruin our photos by incorrectly editing them. For example, Black and white is a classic in photography but not all photos can look good in black and white.

The photo above is better with colors

Do not just convert an image into Black and White (BnW) just because you like it. Study first the image. What it feels, what it says, the contrast, the light, etc.

Today, with all the free downloadable editing apps, it’s very easy, too easy to add filters/presets/actions to your photos to attain an effect. But what people don't understand about filters is, a filter is not helpful for all images. I've seen the most common filters being used today are those having the pink feels, vintage. and the Brandon Woelfel style. People are going crazy over these filters/presets/actions and paste it into their photos. These are great filters. I love how Brandon edits his images, it is his style as a portrait photographer. He's one of my inspirations to make a better edit on my photos too, but copying his style and apply it to your photos without understanding how to apply it, or if it is is applicable on your image is totally a MUST-NOT-DO thing. 

Applying a filter/preset/action may look good but it may result in poor aesthetics when applied to some photographs. If shooting food photography, for example, make it looks more natural with vibrant colors. Make it more inviting to eat. Never "pinkish" or "Brandon Woelfel" it. 

Emil Pakarlis, an iPhone photographer instructor, founder of iPhone Photography School said, "Facebook and Instagram are flooded with heavily edited photos with poor aesthetics. Just because you can add powerful effects to your photos doesn’t mean they’ll get better... If you know what you’re doing, even your best photos can be improved through editing... And even ordinary photos can become spectacular if you know how to edit them correctly.

Applying a filter/preset/action to an image just because it looks good is not a proper way of editing if you want your image to be yours and yours alone.  What I mean is, when they look at your photo, they will know that it's yours no matter what kind of filter you are using.

I am not good at editing photos. My edits are not interesting to everyone, I know. Because my images have this dark-heavy aura. All I am saying is when you edit your photos, do it properly and according to its story. If a certain filter/preset/action is applicable to your photo story, apply it, tweak it according to your liking. For example, Darkness (not the evil ones) played a big role in my life, sufferings, sacrifices, and pains not necessarily experienced by me, these are experienced by the people that surround me, my city, my country. My edits are dark and it's part of the photo's story saying to my viewers that you are not alone experiencing the same but we are many and there's always hope.

(Original Photo)

(Edited Photo)

(I may be weak and fearful but I will endure this difficult journey of life because I am entrusted with knowledge, love, skills, and talents that can pierce more than a two-edged sword)

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