


I bought a Viltrox 85mm 1.8 II FE online. It's been a long time since I really needed a glass of 85mm but sad to say the native glass for my unit was and still is very expensive. This Viltrox glass is 50 or 60 percent cheaper than the native glass (It's still a pain in my pocket since every penny I earned is for my family's needs) but after years of dreaming, I bought the glass. Well, this is an investment, not a liability. 

To make the story short, a client booked himself for a solo cosplay portrait shoot. This will be the best time this 85 will be my partner. So, together with my wife and daughter, we went to the location to do the shoot. 

Here are my shots with 85:

At 2.8, this glass is really sharp and good in a gloomy atmosphere.

I tried taking images in the darker place plus using my very affordable external flash, I materialized what I had in my mind. This glass is amazing!

Here are my other shots using the 85

All in all the glass did not fail me. 85 1.8 of Viltrox is a recommended lens for people like me, on a tight budget. 

Till my next post, guys!

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